
 人参与 | 时间:2024-05-03 15:01:53


1. [神鬼传奇之法老王的神鬼咒语]。
The神鬼. Curse. Of. King. Tuts.


2. 也人们相信,剧场的神鬼内部也被神鬼出没。
It is 神鬼also believed that the interior of the theater is haunted as well.


3. 《神鬼认证》系列?
The Bourne Series?


4. 例如,《神鬼战士》就是神鬼我最喜爱的电影之一。
For example,神鬼 "Gladiator" is one of favorite movies.


5. 在一个圣泉遍地和充斥着神鬼记忆的社会,这大体上是神鬼很平常的。
In a society rich in sacred streams and memories of demons,神鬼 this was, by and large, popular.


6. 华尔街变得像神鬼第六感一样,到处都是神鬼认为自己还活着的死人。
Wall Street has become the Sixth sense-filled with corpses who think they're still alive.


7. 我认为今年最大的神鬼奥斯卡遗珠是“神鬼猎人”中的演员汤姆·哈迪。
The神鬼 biggest Oscar snubs this year, in my opinion, is Tom Hardy for his performance in The Revenant.


8. 在李贺诗集中,最耀眼的神鬼莫过于神鬼诗,诗人也因此赢得“诗鬼”的神鬼称号。
In li he 's poetry anthology,神鬼 the most outstanding is his god - ghost poetry.


9. 很少有游戏会像《神鬼寓言》系列那样会让你仔细思考要采取的每一步行动。
Very few games will make you think about your actions and play on your guilty conscience the way Fable 3 does.


10. 然而,神鬼聚结到这点的电影迷很有可能不知道这块的人行道被相信神鬼出没。
However, the film fans who flock to this spot most likely have no idea that this piece of the sidewalk is believed to be haunted.


11. 佛教传入中国,其诸神鬼的形象也必然受到中国本土文化的影响而发生转变。
With the Buddhism been spreading into China, those images been influenced and altered by native culture.


12. 当赵春爬起来时,神君说道,“如果一个人有善念的话,神鬼都会保佑他的。”
When he got up, the Emperor said, "If a person has so much as one good thought, the gods and demons can bring him good fortune."


13. 它有可能来作为没有惊讶电影的首都在美国自吹自擂若干个神鬼出没行动剧场中做。
It probably comes as no surprise that the capital of film making in America boasts several haunted move theaters.


14. 我们依然固执的坚持认为,在生物机器上会附着一个有生命的灵魂,一个精神鬼魂的观点。
We still cling stubbornly to the idea of an animating soul, a spiritual ghost in the biological machine.


15. 他们也在相同的餐馆吃了饭并和餐馆的女招待聊天,想要多了解点当地的历史和神鬼传说。
They had eaten at the same place we had and had struck up a conversation with their waitress about the restaurant wanting to know more about the history and the legendary ghosts.


16. 他们也在相同的餐馆吃了饭并和餐馆的女招待聊天,想要多了解点当地的的历史和神鬼传说。
They had eaten at the same place we had and had struck up a conversation with their waitress about the restaurant wanting to know more about the history and the legendary ghosts.


17. 引言部分对《夷坚志》和文学领域中神鬼文化的学术研究作一简单回顾,并说明本文写作的意义。
Foreword part makes a simple review of the studies on Yi Jian Zhi and ghost cultural in literature realm, and elucidates the meaning of writing.


18. 有连接到建筑物的两个不同的鬼,其中之一仅仅来到他的好莱坞林荫大道在最近时代神鬼出没和一是在这里长得多。
There are two different ghosts connected to the building, one of which only came to his Hollywood Boulevard haunt in recent times and one that has been here much longer.


19. 你今天想要告诉我的,除了神鬼等另一个空间的事,我没有办法知道,其它有关人间的事,大概也就是上述几样东西了。
What you want to tell me today, excepting the other space, such as god and ghost, which I could not know, in this world is not more than the said things.


20. 罗兰德提出建议,使用他的无线硬盘设备,可以在10英尺(3.05米)内复制电子数据,这样他们就能够神鬼不觉的复制卡的信息而不用盗取卡。
Roland suggests they merely copy the card from a distance instead of stealing it. They can do so with a wireless hard drive device that copies electronic data within ten feet.


21. 罗兰德提出建议,使用他的无线硬盘设备,可以在10英尺(3.05米)内复制电子数据,这样他们就能够神鬼不觉的复制卡的信息而不用盗取卡。
Roland suggests they merely copy the card from a distance instead of stealing it. They can do so with a wireless hard drive device that copies electronic data within ten feet.


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